
Email address is not valid.


Size : {{item.DisplaySize}}

Size : {{item.SizeUsedText}} for {{item.NbFiles}} File(s) and {{item.NbFolders}} Folder(s)

Empty folder

Size :

Creation date: {{item.CreationDate | moment("lll") }}

Modification date: {{item.ModificationDate | moment("lll") }}

Old document name: {{ item.OldFileName }}

Counterparty: {{ item.CounterParty }}

Contract name: {{ item.ContractName }}

Title or description: {{ item.TitleOrDescription }}

Event: {{ item.Event }}

Comments: {{ item.Comments }}

Nature: {{ item.Nature }}

Country: {{ item.Country }}

Contract date: {{item.ContractDate | moment("ll") }}

Email sender: - {{ item.FileEmail.Sender }}

Email recipients: - {{ recipient }}

Email attachments: - {{ attachment }}

Archive directory: Archive Rule: {{item.SubArchiveDirectoryInfos.ArchiveRule.Code}} - {{item.SubArchiveDirectoryInfos.ArchiveRule.Details}} Duration: {{item.SubArchiveDirectoryInfos.ArchiveRule.Duration}} year(s) Start date: {{item.SubArchiveDirectoryInfos.ArchiveStartDate | moment("ll") }} Starting point of the retention period: {{item.SubArchiveDirectoryInfos.ArchiveStartDateComment}}

Path: {{ item.DirectoryPathUI }}

Quota :
Select a folder to configure a quota to limit the size of the folder
(example : 500 MB or 1.2 GB).





{{appSharedState.selectedItems.length}} selected items
  • {{item.Initiales}}

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  • {{messageQA.MessageBody}}

    {{formatDateQA(messageQA.DateCreation)}} by {{messageQA.Sender.DisplayName}} by yourself

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